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    Genepharm ZYMOPLEX 30tab 20mg/tab

Genepharm ZYMOPLEX 30tab 20mg/tab

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  • €14.00


Genepharm ZYMOPLEX 30tab 20mg/tab

Manufacturer: Genepharm

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) falls within the selective Estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) category, a subset of anti-estrogens, which also includes aromatase inhibitors (AIs) like Aromasin and Arimidex. AIs and SERMs constitute anti-estrogens, differing notably in their mechanism of action concerning estrogen control.

Contrary to a persistent misconception within the anabolic steroid community, SERMs like Nolvadex don't reduce circulating estrogen levels but function by blocking estrogen action at receptor sites, particularly in breast tissue. By occupying these sites, SERMs prevent estrogen from exerting its effects. Aromatase inhibitors, on the other hand, inhibit estrogen production by disabling the aromatase enzyme responsible for converting androgens into estrogen.

Nolvadex, a non-steroidal SERM from the triphenylethylene compound family, exhibits both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. While it blocks estrogen effects in certain tissues, it can enhance estrogenic effects elsewhere. Notably, Nolvadex acts as an anti-estrogen in breast tissue, making it a key treatment for estrogen-responsive breast cancer patients and those at high risk.

Beyond its role in breast cancer treatment, Nolvadex has garnered attention in the anabolic steroid community for mitigating estrogenic effects induced by aromatizable androgens, thereby addressing concerns like gynecomastia. Additionally, Nolvadex boosts endogenous testosterone production by manipulating the negative feedback loop of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis (HPTA), making it a vital component of Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) regimens post-steroid cycle.

Initially developed by ICI in 1962 for female infertility treatment, Nolvadex's efficacy in breast cancer therapy led to its FDA approval in 1977. Over time, its preventive benefits for high-risk individuals became evident, further solidifying its role in breast cancer management. Although AstraZeneca ceased its US production in 2006, Nolvadex remains a cornerstone medication under various generic brand names globally.

Chemically, Nolvadex is a non-steroidal compound with mixed agonistic and antagonistic properties towards estrogen receptors. It functions by occupying receptor sites in breast tissue, preventing estrogen-induced gene transcription and mitigating gynecomastia formation.

While Nolvadex effectively addresses estrogenic effects in breast tissue, it doesn't alleviate other estrogenic side effects like bloating or water retention. Its pharmacological complexity, molecular weight of 371.515 g/mol, and half-life of 5-7 days underscore its therapeutic utility across diverse clinical settings.

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