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    Swiss Remedies Oxandrolone 100tab 10mg/tab
  • Swiss Remedies Oxandrolone 100tab 10mg/tab

Swiss Remedies Oxandrolone 100tab 10mg/tab

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  • €59.00


Swiss Remedies Oxandrolone 100tab 10mg/tab

Oxandrolone Therapeutic Use:

Oxandrolone is utilized to facilitate the growth process in children and to combat osteoporosis in women. Additionally, it serves as a supportive treatment for individuals with AIDS.

Oxandrolone Description:

Characterized by its mild androgenic properties, Oxandrolone induces notable gains in strength without significant weight increase, as it minimally retains water within the body. While Oxandrolone alone does not drastically alter muscle mass, recent research indicates sustained muscle retention over prolonged periods. It does not undergo aromatization, even with extended usage. Short-term and low-dose administration does not impede endogenous testosterone production, although extended usage commonly leads to testicular atrophy. Despite its popularity, Oxandrolone is now only legally produced in select countries, typically in tablet form with a low concentration of active ingredients.

Oxandrolone Side Effects:

Compared to other substances, Oxandrolone presents relatively mild side effects. Acne and gastrointestinal discomfort, including frequent diarrhea at higher doses, are commonly reported. Unlike many steroids, Oxandrolone promotes the proliferation of muscle myofibrils, particularly in longer cycles lasting approximately 2-3 months. It maintains a positive nitrogen balance even in minimal doses, supports creatine phosphate production, and mildly enhances fat burning. While it is liver-toxic due to its 17-alpha-alkylated nature, the effect is minimal with standard doses. As a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, Oxandrolone does not aromatize and is unlikely to cause gynecomastia or a soft muscular appearance in men. Its androgenic effects are also minimal, making it well-tolerated by most users.

Oxandrolone Anabolic Effects:

Primarily favored for its ability to enhance strength and muscle hardness, Oxandrolone promotes myofibrillary hypertrophy and facilitates creatine phosphate supplies. It is popular among powerlifters seeking strength gains without significant weight increase or water retention. While muscle mass development is gradual, the resulting muscle is of high quality. Oxandrolone is commonly used by athletes aiming to maintain weight while increasing strength or during cutting phases before competitions. It is also recommended for combating catabolism associated with conditions such as AIDS, cancer, osteoporosis, and hepatitis. However, opinions on its anabolic effects are influenced by its low concentration in tablets and relatively high cost, often limiting dosages to around 20 mg per day.

Oxandrolone Dosage:

Recommended daily dosages typically range from 30mg to 100mg for 6-12 weeks. With a half-life of 9-12 hours, doses are usually divided into two administrations per day, ideally in the morning and early evening. Oxandrolone remains detectable in the body for approximately 30 days. While Oxandrolone alone may not yield substantial muscle gains, it can enhance the effects of other steroids. It synergizes well with highly androgenic steroids like Dianabol or testosterone for strength and muscle hardness. When combined with non-aromatizing steroids such as stanozolol or methenolone, it further enhances muscle definition. For those seeking mass gains without injections, Oxandrolone can be stacked with low doses of oral steroids like oxymetholone or Dianabol, though caution is advised due to potential liver toxicity. Due to its safety profile, Oxandrolone is particularly suitable for athletes over 40.

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