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    Raw Pharma TURBOBOL 100tab 10mg/tab

Raw Pharma TURBOBOL 100tab 10mg/tab

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  • €58.50


Manufacturer: Raw Pharma

Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, a potent derivative of Dianabol, represents an oral steroid with a unique structural composition. It serves as a hybrid between methandrostenolone and clostebol (4-chlorotestosterone), sharing the foundational structure of Dianabol while incorporating the 4-chloro modification of clostebol.

This alteration distinguishes chlorodehydromethyltestosterone as a milder alternative to Dianabol, exhibiting diminished estrogenic activity and reduced androgenic potency compared to its renowned counterpart. Although its anabolic activity slightly trails that of Dianabol, chlorodehydromethyltestosterone maintains a more favorable ratio of anabolic to androgenic effects. Consequently, it presents a lower likelihood of inducing androgenic side effects while engaging in muscle-building endeavors.

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