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    Raw Pharma HALOTEST 50tab 5mg/tab

Raw Pharma HALOTEST 50tab 5mg/tab

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  • €89.70


Manufacturer: Raw Pharma

HALOTESTIN is a formidable anabolic steroid renowned for its robust androgenic activity, derived from methyltestosterone. Originally utilized clinically for male hypogenitalism, delayed puberty in men, and the treatment of breast neoplasms in women, its application has shifted predominantly to the athletic realm.

Athletes harness the specific properties of fluoxymesterone to amplify power performance, muscle hardness, and aggression without accompanying weight gain. It finds particular favor among practitioners of boxing and other combat sports. While HALOTESTIN is sparingly used in bodybuilding due to its limited muscle bulking effects, it remains a staple for enhancing athletic prowess.

Notably, fluoxymesterone exhibits non-aromatizing properties and does not convert to estradiol, distinguishing it from other steroids. However, it exerts potent androgenic effects, warranting caution, especially among female athletes who should abstain from its usage.

A noteworthy characteristic of HALOTESTIN is its ability to stimulate erythropoiesis (red blood cell production) and augment capillary network branching in muscles. This enhancement in blood supply translates to notable increases in strength and endurance, elevating performance levels significantly.

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