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    Omega Meds TURIBOL 100tab 10mg/tab

Omega Meds TURIBOL 100tab 10mg/tab

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  • €58.50


Manufacturer: Omega Meds

Introduction to Turibol: Originally introduced in East Germany in 1962, Turibol garnered widespread acclaim for its exceptional safety profile, earning favor not only among male athletes but also among women. East German Olympic athletes notably utilized this steroid from 1974 to 1989. Renowned for its low androgenicity and minimal virilization potential, Turibol remains a top choice for many female athletes, although alternatives like Anavar or Winstrol offer even lower virilization risks.

Effects of Turibol: Turibol offers significant benefits to athletes engaged in physically demanding sports. It notably enhances muscular endurance, delaying fatigue and accelerating overall recovery. Users experience improvements in strength, power, and speed, contributing to enhanced athletic performance. Since Turibol does not aromatize, weight gain primarily consists of lean muscle mass, making it an ideal addition to cutting cycles. It provides effective protection against lean tissue loss while enhancing muscle hardness, proving invaluable during intense training sessions.

Turibol Administration:

  • For Men: Daily doses typically range from 30-50mg, with 30mg offering noticeable effects. Optimal benefits are often achieved with doses around 50mg per day, promoting synergy with other anabolic steroids and enhancing recovery and endurance. Usage should not exceed 6-8 weeks to minimize liver strain.
  • For Women: Recommended doses range from 5-10mg per day to minimize the risk of virilization. Doses exceeding 10mg per day significantly increase the likelihood of virilization symptoms. If such symptoms arise, discontinuation of Turibol is advised. Total usage should not surpass 4-6 weeks to maintain safety and minimize virilization risk.

Turibol stands as a potent yet safe option for athletes seeking performance enhancement with minimal side effects. Always adhere to recommended dosages and duration to ensure optimal results and mitigate potential risks. Consulting with a healthcare professional before Turibol usage is advisable for personalized guidance and monitoring.

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