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    Muscle Pharm TC-JECT 250 10ml 250mg/ml

Muscle Pharm TC-JECT 250 10ml 250mg/ml

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  • €33.00


Manufacturer: Muscle Pharm

  1. Testosterone Cypionate (TC-JECT250):

    • Testosterone Cypionate represents a synthetic variant of testosterone, a vital male hormone.
    • It serves as a treatment for hypogonadism in males, a condition marked by insufficient natural testosterone production.
    • Hypogonadism manifests through symptoms like mood fluctuations, diminished concentration, erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and loss of muscle mass.
    • Positive effects include enhanced endurance, remediation of low testosterone levels in men, heightened performance, muscle development, sexual arousal, potent stimulant properties, strength augmentation, and improved athletic performance.
    • Water retention: Yes
    • Type of medicine: Injectable, synthetic androgenic and anabolic
    • Intended Users: Bodybuilding athletes, weightlifters, athletes
    • TC-JECT250 is administered via intramuscular injection and typically packaged in a 10 ml vial with a concentration of 250 mg/ml.
  2. Key Considerations:

    • Self-Administration: TC-JECT250 can be self-administered at home following comprehensive guidance from a healthcare professional.

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