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    MultiPharm Healthcare DANABOL 100tab 10mg/tab

MultiPharm Healthcare DANABOL 100tab 10mg/tab

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  • €24.00


Manufacturer: MultiPharm Healthcare

D-bol, also known as Methandienone, stands as a cornerstone in the world of bodybuilding. Recognized as the second anabolic steroid ever created after testosterone, it reigns as the most popular oral steroid among enthusiasts. Its rapid impact on muscle mass and strength makes it a go-to choice for newcomers to anabolic compounds.

Methandienone serves as an ideal catalyst at the onset of a cycle, kickstarting results while waiting for slower-acting injectable anabolics to take effect. Users often experience remarkable gains in strength and muscle mass, alongside an intense muscular "pump" during workouts, attributed to heightened protein synthesis and nitrogen retention.

Regarded as one of the most potent oral anabolics available, Methandienone's effectiveness comes with the risk of estrogen-related issues like bloating and gynecomastia in some users. To counteract these effects, bodybuilders may incorporate estrogen inhibitors like Arimidex or Nolvadex into their regimen. However, like many oral steroids, Methandienone carries hepatotoxicity risks due to its C17-alpha alkylated nature. Thus, liver protectants are recommended alongside judicious dosage and cycle durations of 10 weeks or less.

While D-bol excels as a cycle initiator, it also serves as a bridge between cycles or aids in post-cycle therapy (PCT). A low daily dose of 10mg during PCT or bridging maintains androgen levels, preserving strength and mass while allowing natural testosterone recovery.

However, D-bol is less favored among female bodybuilders due to its tendency to induce masculinizing effects. For males, typical dosages range from 25-60mg daily for 4-10 weeks, with 10mg daily serving bridging or PCT purposes as needed.

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