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    Swiss Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Methandienone 100tab 10mg/tab
  • Swiss Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Methandienone 100tab 10mg/tab

Swiss Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Methandienone 100tab 10mg/tab

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  • €24.00


Swiss Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Methandienone 100tab 10mg/tab

Therapeutic Uses: This product is indicated for conditions associated with a negative nitrogen balance, where promoting protein anabolism or preventing protein catabolism is necessary (such as post-burns, prolonged convalescence, severe operations, infectious diseases, etc.). It is also used in combination therapy for osteoporosis, severe breast cancers in women, adrenal androgen substitution in Addison's disease, delayed growth in puberty, and supportive treatment of certain chronic diseases.

Product Description: Developed in the late 1950s, this preparation swiftly became one of the most popular abused anabolic-androgenic agents among athletes across various disciplines. It exhibits potent anabolic (androgenic) action, leading to rapid gains in strength and muscle mass. Users often report a weekly increase of 1-2 kg of quality muscle in the initial weeks of usage, persisting for 4-6 weeks, possibly due to its appetite-enhancing effects. However, it aromatizes easily, converting a significant portion into estrogen, resulting in typical issues associated with such compounds. Moreover, being a 17-alpha-alkylated steroid, it poses high toxicity to the liver. Studies indicate a notable reduction in natural testosterone production after just 10 days of intake, leading to rapid strength and weight losses upon cessation. Additionally, its therapeutic effectiveness is enhanced by calcium and vitamin D but diminished by tetracyclines.

Abuse Dosages: Dosages vary based on the athlete's sport and experience level, with a notable "wearing off phenomenon" observed with prolonged use. While some long-term users have reported doses exceeding 100 mg daily without significant progress, beginners may experience remarkable improvements even with doses as low as 5-15 mg. Published opinions caution against doses surpassing 40 mg daily, as higher doses do not necessarily yield better results and long-term abuse often yields minimal results. Methandienone is commonly combined with less toxic injectable steroids like nandrolone decanoate or phenylpropionate. For mass gains, it is often stacked with testosterone blends, while combinations with oxandrolone, Stanozolol, testosterone undecanoate, or harsher compounds like oxymetholone are favored for strength and volume increases. However, it is not recommended for pre-competition use due to its aromatization and water retention effects, which may inhibit fat burning and lead to a flat muscle appearance.

Manufacturer: Swiss Healthcare Pharmaceuticals

Substance: Methandienone

Pack: 100 tablets 10mg/1tabl

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