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    Sterling Knight IGF-1 DES 1amp 2mg/amp
  • Sterling Knight IGF-1 DES 1amp 2mg/amp

Sterling Knight IGF-1 DES 1amp 2mg/amp

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  • €58.00


Manufacturer: Sterling Knight

Substance: Insulin_like_Growht_Factor (IGF)-1 (4-70)

Pack: 1amp  2mg/amp

Sterling Knight IGF-1 DES 1amp 2mg/amp

IGF-1 DES 2mg Sterling Knight: Elevate Your Performance

Enhance your athletic prowess and foster muscle growth with IGF-1 DES 2mg Sterling Knight, a sought-after peptide renowned for its efficacy and consistent outcomes.

Administration Guidelines:

For optimal results, adhere to a specific intake regimen. Administer IGF-1 DES 2mg Sterling Knight via subcutaneous injections. Beginners typically start with a daily dosage of 20-40mcg, while seasoned athletes can escalate to 60-80mcg daily. Limit the intake duration to 4-6 weeks to mitigate potential side effects.


IGF-1 DES 2mg Sterling Knight delivers a spectrum of advantages to athletes when utilized appropriately:

- Muscle Growth: Stimulates muscle growth and refinement.

- Recovery Enhancement: Accelerates recovery, alleviating muscle soreness.

- Strength and Endurance: Amplifies strength and endurance levels.

- Athletic Performance: Elevates overall athletic performance and prowess.

- Fat Metabolism: Facilitates fat burning, aiding in achieving a sculpted physique.

Potential Side Effects:

While generally well-tolerated, remain vigilant for potential side effects associated with IGF-1 DES 2mg Sterling Knight:

- Hypoglycemia: Low blood sugar levels may occur.

- Joint Discomfort: Some individuals may experience joint pain or stiffness.

- Headaches and Nausea: Occasional headaches or nausea might manifest.

- Water Retention: Minimal water retention could be observed.

In the event of any adverse reactions, seek guidance from a healthcare professional promptly.

Unleash your athletic potential with IGF-1 DES 2mg Sterling Knight, optimizing performance and sculpting your physique with confidence and precision.

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