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    Magnus Pharmaceuticals Test P 100mg 10ml 250mg/ml
  • Magnus Pharmaceuticals Test P 100mg 10ml 250mg/ml

Magnus Pharmaceuticals Test P 100mg 10ml 250mg/ml

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  • €40.30


Magnus Pharmaceuticals Test P 100mg 10ml 250mg/ml

Discover the Potency of Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone propionate stands out as a widely produced injectable form of the primary male hormone, testosterone. Infused with the propionate ester, it moderates the release rate from the injection point, albeit for a brief period. Unlike its counterparts like cypionate or enanthate, testosterone propionate acts swiftly, necessitating a more frequent dosing regimen. Though considered an older variant of injectable testosterone, some users appreciate its efficacy, notwithstanding the rigorous injection routine.

As a muscle-building agent, testosterone propionate yields rapid gains in both muscle mass and strength. Modified with a carboxylic acid ester (propionic acid) at the 17-beta hydroxyl group, its impact is unmistakable. Despite its brief half-life of approximately two days post-injection, its effects are profound.


100mg/ml Testosterone propionate U.S.P. (10ml VIAL)

Chemical Names:

4-androsten-3-one-17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one

Side Effects:

Testosterone readily converts to estrogen in the body, leading to potential side effects such as water retention, fat gain, and gynecomastia. Androgenic effects, including oily skin, acne, and increased body/facial hair, are also probable. For individuals predisposed to androgenetic alopecia, accelerated hair loss might occur. Notably, the propionic acid ester in testosterone propionate can cause injection discomfort, dissuading some users due to post-injection soreness and mild fever.


Typically, male athletes administer doses ranging from 50-100 mg per injection, every second or third day. Weekly cumulative dosages between 200 mg to 400 mg are common, facilitating notable gains in muscle size and strength for most users.

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