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    Body Research Stanol 200 tablets 5mg/tab

Body Research Stanol 200 tablets 5mg/tab

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  • €31.00


Stanozolol is a potent synthetic anabolic androgenic steroid known for its unique properties. Available in both oral and water-based injectable forms, Stanozolol offers similar effects and side-effects across both variants. However, many bodybuilders have observed the injectable compound to be more efficient in achieving desired results.

As a DHT derived compound, Stanozolol delivers remarkable strength gains without the bulk often associated with other steroids. While it's liver toxic due to its 17-alpha-alkylation, it can also impact the LDL/HDL ratio negatively. Notably, Stanozolol does not convert to estrogen, eliminating concerns regarding water retention and gynecomastia, making anti-estrogen products unnecessary during its use.

One of its standout features is its ability to lower SHBG (Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin) significantly compared to other steroids. Typically utilized in cutting cycles, it can also serve as a bulking agent when combined with more androgenic drugs like testosterone.

It's essential for bodybuilders and athletes to be aware that Stanozolol can be detectable in urine for up to 10 days. Despite the risk of masculinization side effects, Stanozolol remains a popular choice among female users, especially when taken at lower doses.


For Men: Effective doses range from 25-100mg per day.

For Women: Recommended doses are between 5-25mg per day.

During cutting cycles, adhering to recommended doses helps minimize side effects.

Stanozolol is manufactured by reputable pharmaceutical companies under various brand names such as Dry and Tents (Body Research), Stanozolol (Genesis), and Stanza (SB Laboratories).

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